Gracie Taylor is a pen name for Lisa Swift, who also writes as Mary Jayne Baker. This is her first historical novel
Avon Books, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, has acquired World All Language rights (including dramatic) to a new novel by Gracie Taylor in a deal with Laura Longrigg at MBA Literary Agents.
Titled Edie’s Home for Strays in the UK and Edie’s Home for Orphans in North America, the World War Two story was originally inspired by the true story of Ferne Animal Sanctuary set up by the Duchess of Hamilton, who realised that with so many going to war, a lot of animals lacked homes to take care of them.
Tilda McDonald, Senior Commissioning Editor at Avon said: ‘I cried a lot of happy tears reading Edie’s Home for Strays, which is a brilliantly uplifting, heart-warming Home Front read that will appeal to all animal lovers. Avon are proud and delighted to publish it.’
Gracie Taylor grew up in rural West Yorkshire. After university she spent time in several different cities, but eventually returned to settle in the Dales. Gracie Taylor is a pen name for author of romantic comedies Mary Jayne Baker, and uplifting women’s fiction Lisa Swift, who also won the RNA’s Romantic Comedy of the Year Award 2020. This is her first historical novel.
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